Import dependence and import safety of oilseeds in China
DOI:DOI: 10.19902/j.cnki.zgyz.1003-7969.230482
中文关键词:  植物油料  进口依赖  进口安全
英文关键词:oilseeds  import dependence  import safety
Author NameAffiliation
CAO Chong1,2,YANG Ju1,YUAN Guojun1,2 (1.School of Economics and Management, West Anhui University, Lu′an 237012, Anhui, China
2.Anhui Engineering Research Center for Eco-agriculture of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lu′an 237012, Anhui, China) 
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      Under the background of great changes unprecedented in a century, ensuring the stability of oilseeds import has a far-reaching impact on the safety of oilseeds in China. On the basis of analyzing the production and trade of Chinese oilseeds, the characteristics of its import growth was described and the changing trend of its import was examined. The import dependence and import safety of oilseeds were discussed. The results showed that the import of oilseeds in China remained at a high level; the self-sufficiency rate of oilseeds in China was declining and the dependence degree on imports was relatively high; the import sources of oilseeds in China were mainly concentrated in Brazil and the United States, and the high dependence degree on imports made the safety level of oilseeds low. Therefore, some suggestions were put forward, such as improving the comprehensive guarantee capacity of oilseeds, improving the adjustment of oilseeds import and reserve, and developing the diversification of oilseeds import market.
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