Progress in extraction, nutritional value and processing by-products utilization of bayberry kernel oil
中文关键词:  杨梅核仁油  提取工艺  营养成分  降血脂
英文关键词:bayberry kernel oil  extraction process  nutritional composition  hypolipidemic
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Yunyun1,XIE Dan1,LUO Jingru1,ZHU Xiping1,HAN Lu2, XIE Liangliang1,ZHENG Liyou1,WANG Xiaogui3 1.College of Biological and Food EngineeringAnhui Polytechnic UniversityWuhu 241000AnhuiChina 2.College of Agricultural and BioengineeringTaizhou Vocational College of Science and Technology Taizhou 318000ZhejiangChina 3.Zhejiang Xia Zhimei Biotechnology Co. Ltd. Taizhou 317312ZhejiangChina 
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      In order to provide reference for the deep processing and efficient utilization of bayberry kernel, the extraction methods, nutritional components, health utility and comprehensive utilization of processing by-products of bayberry kernel oil at home and abroad in recent years were reviewed, and the application of bayberry kernel oil were prospected. There are many methods for the extraction of bayberry kernel oil such as organic solvent extraction, supercritical CO2 extraction, aqueous enzymatic extraction and ultrasonic/microwave-assisted extraction. Bayberry kernel oil has high nutritional value, rich in unsaturated fatty acids and bioactive substances such as vitamin E, phospholipids and phenols, and has antioxidant activity and hypolipidemic effects. The defatted kernel meal of bayberry can be used to extract beneficial components, such as plant protein, amygdalin and phenols. In the future, bayberry kernel oil can be widely used in food, health products and cosmetics.
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