Analysis of research hotspots and development trends of rice bran oil based on bibliometric
中文关键词:  稻米油  CiteSpace  VOSviewer  可视化分析  研究热点
英文关键词:rice bran oil  CiteSpace  VOSviewer  visualization analysis  research hotspots
Author NameAffiliation
PAN Baohui1,2,3, YIN Jiaojiao1,2,3,4, WANG Shu4,5, HUANG He1,2,3, GAO Pan1,2,3,4, ZHONG Wu1,2,3,4, HU Chuanrong1,2,3, HE Dongping1,2,3,4 1.School of Food Science and Engineering, Wuhan Polytechnic University, Wuhan 430023, China
2.Key Laboratory of Deep Processing of Major Grain and Oil, Ministry of Education, Wuhan 430023, China
3.Hubei Key Laboratory for Processing and Transformation of Agricultural Products, Wuhan 430023, China
4.Key Laboratory of Edible Oil Quality and Safety for State Market Regulation, Wuhan 430023, China
5.Wuhan Institute for Food and Cosmetic Control, Wuhan 430012, China 
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      为了促进稻米油产业发展,利用CiteSpace和VOSviewer可视化分析工具,对1993—2023年Web of Science(WOS)核心合集中以“rice bran oil”为主题词得到的1 481篇有效文献的年发文量,被引频次,主要发文期刊、研究领域、国家、机构、作者,以及研究热点和前沿等方面进行了分析。结果显示:1993—2023年,稻米油领域的年发文量和被引频次整体呈现上升趋势;稻米油研究在食品科技领域发文量最多,其中Journal of the American Oil Chemists′ Society是发文量最多的期刊;印度、中国和美国等国家发表论文最多;印度科学与工业研究理事会(CSIR)、巴西的坎皮纳斯州立大学、美国农业部(USDA)和巴西的圣保罗大学等是主要的研究机构;Meirelles、Rodrigue以及王兴国是该领域发文量较多的作者;大多数研究聚焦于稻米油的稳定性、稻米油的提取工艺、稻米油中营养成分的活性、稻米油中活性成分的功效以及酯交换和生物柴油的制备。近年来,稻米油的综合营养评价以及副产物的开发利用等成为新的研究热点。未来研究可围绕高效、绿色、经济的稻米油加工工艺以及稻米油在不同领域的进一步开发利用等进行深入探索。
      In order to promote the development of the rice bran oil industry,CiteSpace and VOSviewer visualization analysis tools were utilized to analyze 1 481 valid literature on the topic of "rice bran oil" in the Web of Science (WOS) core collection database from 1993-2023. The analysis covered annual number of publication volume, citation frequency, major publishing journals, research fields, countries, institutions, authors, as well as research hotspots and frontiers. The results indicated an overall increasing trend in the annual number of publication and citation frequency in the field of rice bran oil from 1993 to 2023. The majority of rice bran oil research was published in the field of food science and technology, with the Journal of the American Oil Chemists′ Society being the most prolific journal. Countries such as India, China, and the United States had the highest number of publication. Key research institutions included the Council of Scientific Industrial Research (CSIR) India, Universidade Estadual De Campinas, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Universidade De So Paulo. Meirelles, Rodrigue, and Wang Xingguo were among the most prolific authors in this field. Most of the studies focused on stability of rice bran oil, extraction process of rice bran oil, activity of nutrients in rice bran oil, efficacy of active ingredients in rice bran oil, and transesterification and biodiesel preparation. In recent years, the comprehensive nutritional assessment of rice bran oil and the development and utilization of its by-products have become new research hotspots. Future research can further explore efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective rice bran oil processing technologies, as well as the further development and utilization of rice bran oil in different fields.
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