Discussion on standardizing conventional physicochemical standards for imported soybeans
中文关键词:  大豆  水分  杂质  热损  未熟粒率  KOH蛋白质溶解度  酸值  磷脂
英文关键词:soybean  moisture content  impurities  heat damage  immaturity rate  KOH protein solubility  acid value  phospholipids
Author NameAffiliation
SUN Shijun Zhoushan Zhonghai Grain and Oil Industry Co. , Ltd. , Zhoushan 316000, Zhejiang, China 
Hits: 40
Download times: 18
      In recent years, fluctuations in the quality of imported soybeans have had a profound impact on production costs of domestic soybean processing companies and quality of soybean-related products. In order to provide reference for standardizing the conventional physicochemical standards for imported soybeans, the effects of conventional physicochemical indicators such as moisture content, impurities, immaturity rate and heat damage on the raw material costs, transportation and storage, processing costs and product quality of processing companies were discussed, and policy recommendations were put forward. An increase in soybean moisture content, impurities, immaturity rate and heat damage all contribute to increase production costs for companies and have a negative impact on product quality. It is recommended that relevant government departments implement standardized physicochemical standards for the import of genetically modified soybeans to regulate the quality of imported soybeans.
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