大豆调质塔加热层的颗粒运动和干燥层的 热风流场数值仿真分析
Numulation analysis of particle motion in heating layer and hot-air flow field in drying layer of soybean conditioning tower
中文关键词:  调质  加热层  干燥层  颗粒运动  热风流场
英文关键词:conditioning  heating layer  drying layer  particle motion  hot-air flow field
Author NameAffiliation
TANG Jingjing,WU Weizhong,LI Han,FU Yuyang School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450001China 
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      为了优化大豆调质塔加热层椭圆管和干燥层角状盒的设计,采用离散元法(DEM)仿真分析加热层椭圆管的结构和分布对大豆颗粒运动的影响,采用计算流体动力学法(CFD)仿真分析干燥层中的热空气流动规律。结果表明:椭圆管长短轴比为2.28∶ 1时,大豆颗粒在加热层中分布均匀不堵料,颗粒碰撞次数少,有利于提高大豆加热效率,并降低颗粒的破损和椭圆管的磨损程度;相邻加热层椭圆管的轴向夹角为90°时颗粒经过加热层所需时间最短,轴向夹角的变化对颗粒在加热层中产生的碰撞次数无显著影响;当干燥层角状盒的轴向与加热层椭圆管的轴向相互平行时,干燥层中热风存在较大湍流,热风在干燥层中的分布更分散,热风在角状盒两侧形成较为柔和的逆流,更有利于大豆颗粒干燥及顺利下落。通过分析调质塔加热层及干燥层参数对大豆颗粒运动特性、热风流场分布的影响,可为调质塔的结构设计优化提供参考。
      In order to optimize the design of the elliptical tubes in the heating layer and the angular boxes in the drying layer of the soybean conditioning tower, the discrete element method (DEM) was adopted to analyze the influence of structure and distribution of the elliptical tubes in the heating layer on the movement of soybean particles, and the calculation fluid dynamics (CFD) method was used to analyze the hot-air flow characteristics in drying layer. The results showed that when the long and short axis ratio of the elliptical tube was 2.28∶ 1, the soybean particles could be evenly distributed in the heating layer without plugging, and the particle collision frequency was less. It was conducive to improve the heating efficiency of soybean, and reduce the damage of the particles and the wear degree of the elliptical tube. When the axis angle of the elliptical tube in the adjacent heating layer was 90°, the time required for the particles to pass through the heating layer was the shortest, and the change of the axis angle had no significant effect on the number of collisions in the heating layer.When the axial direction of the angular box was parallel to the axial direction of the elliptical tube,there was a large turbulence of hot-air in the drying layer, the distribution of hot-air in the drying layer was more decentralized, and the hot-air formed a softer countercurrent on both sides of the angular box, which was more conducive to the drying of soybean particles and the smooth fall. By analyzing the influence of the parameters of the heating layer and drying layer of the conditioning tower on the motion characteristics of soybean particles and the distribution of the hot-air flow field, it can provide a reference for the optimization of the structural design of the conditioning tower.
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