氨基酸离子液体原位催化小球藻制备 生物柴油的工艺研究
Preparation of biodiesel from Chlorella by in-situ catalysis with amino acid ionic liquids
中文关键词:  氨基酸离子液体  小球藻  原位法  生物柴油  酯交换
英文关键词:amino acid ionic liquid  Chlorella  in-situ method  biodiesel  transesterification
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Zhishan1, SUN Ruihan1, WANG Changmei1,2, ZHANG Wudi1,2, YIN Fang1,2, YANG Bin1,2, LIU Jing1,2, YANG Hong1,2 1.School of Energy and Environment Science, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China
2.Yunnan Provincial Biogas Engineering Technology Research Center, Kunming 650500, China 
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      为探究环境友好型高效催化剂原位催化小球藻制备生物柴油,采用5种氨基酸(甘氨酸、天冬氨酸、L-谷氨酸、L-赖氨酸、L-脯氨酸)分别与盐酸和氢氧化钾反应合成氨基酸离子液体,以氨基酸离子液体为提取剂和催化剂,对小球藻进行原位催化制备生物柴油,并采用单因素实验对反应条件进行优化。结果表明:L-脯氨酸与盐酸反应合成的氨基酸离子液体(\[L-Pro\]\[Cl\])具有更好的生物柴油提取率和催化率;小球藻生物柴油的最优制备条件是\[L-Pro\]\[Cl\]用量100%(以小球藻藻粉质量计)、甲醇与藻粉质量比11∶ 1、反应温度65 ℃、反应时间18 h,在此条件下小球藻生物柴油的提取率为83.16%,催化率为64.54%。综上,氨基酸离子液体\[L-Pro\]\[Cl\]适合用于原位催化小球藻制备生物柴油。
      To explore the in-situ catalytic preparation of biodiesel from Chlorella using environmentally friendly and efficient catalysts, amino acid ionic liquids were synthesized by reacting five amino acids (glycine, aspartic acid, L-glutamic acid, L-lysine and L-proline) with hydrochloric acid and potassium hydroxide, respectively. The amino acid ionic liquids were used as extraction agents and catalysts for the in-situ catalytic preparation of biodiesel from Chlorella. The reaction conditions were optimized using single factor experiments. The results showed that the amino acid ionic liquid \[L-Pro\]\[Cl\] synthesized by the reaction of L-proline with hydrochloric acid had better biodiesel extraction rate and catalysis rate. The optimal preparation conditions for Chlorella biodiesel were as follows: dosage of \[L-Pro\]\[Cl\] 100%(based on the mass of Chlorella powder), mass ratio of methanol to Chlorella powder 11∶ 1, reaction temperature 65 ℃, and reaction time 18 h. Under these conditions, the extraction rate of biodiesel was 83.16%, and the catalysis rate was 64.54%. In summary, the amino acid ionic liquid \[L-Pro\]\[Cl\] is suitable for in-situ catalytic preparation of biodiesel from Chlorella.
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