戴文娜 童旭 张琴 蒋卉 李艳宾.一株荒漠产油微藻的筛选及其生长和产油的pH响应[J].中国油脂,2020,45(5):82~87.[DAI Wenna TONG Xu ZHANG Qin JIANG Hui LI Yanbin.Screening of a desert oil-producing microalgae and its growth and oil production response toward pH[J].China Oils and Fats,2020,45(5):82~87.]
Screening of a desert oil-producing microalgae and its growth and oil production response toward pH
中文关键词:  荒漠  产油微藻  筛选  pH  生长  产油
英文关键词:desert  oil-producing microalgae  screening  pH  growth  oil production
戴文娜 童旭 张琴 蒋卉 李艳宾 1.安徽工程大学 生物与化学工程学院安徽 芜湖 241000 2.塔里木大学 生命科学学院新疆 阿拉尔 843300 
摘要点击次数: 1202
全文下载次数: 344
      从新疆荒漠盐碱水滩中采集水样,富集培养后进行微藻分离,从中筛选得到一株产油微藻DT025,对该微藻生长及油脂积累特性进行分析,并进行了分子生物学鉴定,探讨了不同pH对该微藻生长及产油的影响。结果表明,该微藻鉴定为小球藻Chlorella sp.,具有较好的环境适应能力和油脂积累能力,培养2 d即能迅速生长,培养4 d起开始大量积累油脂,培养8 d时油脂含量最高,可达3713%。该微藻有较好的pH耐受性,在pH 6.0~9.0之间均能较好地生长,适宜产油的pH范围是7.0~8.0,其中pH 7.5时微藻的油脂产量与产率达到最高,分别为1.580 g/L、0.198 g/(L·d)。此外,在pH 8.0、8.5时该微藻仍然具有相对较高的油脂产量与产率,分别达到1.460 g/L、0.183 g/(L·d)和0.859 g/L、0.107 g/(L·d),体现出较好的耐碱产油能力。
      A strain of oil-producing microalgae DT025 was obtained by isolating after being enriched and cultured from water samples collected from salt marsh in Xinjiang desert. The growth characteristics and oil accumulation characteristics of the microalgae DT025 were analyzed, and molecular biology identification was performed. In addition, the effects of different pH on the growth and oil production of the microalgae DT025 were discussed. The results showed that the microalgal strain was identified as Chlorella sp., and exhibited good environmental adaptability and oil accumulation ability, which grew rapidly since culturing for 2 d, and began to accumulate abundant oil since culturing for 4 d, as a result, the maximum oil content of 37.13% was obtained when cultured for 8 d. The obtained microalgae possessed good pH tolerance, which could grow well in the pH rang of 6.0-9.0, and the suitable pH range for oil production was 7.0-8.0. The maximum oil production and yield of the microalgae were obtained at pH 7.5, which were 1.580 g/L and 0.198 g/(L·d) respectively. Besides, the relatively high oil production and yield were also obtained at pH 8.0 and 8.5, which reached 1.460 g/L, 0.183 g/(L·d) and 0.859 g/L,0107 g/(L·d), respectively, indicating the good alkali resistance and oil production capacity of the microalgae.
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