An innovative way to solve the problem of severe shortage of edible oil resources in China—exploitation of camphor seeds
中文关键词:  食用油  樟树籽  结构脂  癸酸  月桂酸
英文关键词:edible oil  camphor seeds  structural lipids  decanoic acid  lauric acid
Author NameAffiliation
LI Qiuyue Former Institute of Grain Science of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310012China 
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      China is a country with severe shortage of edible oil resources, the self-sufficiency rate of oil is only 31%, and camphor trees, which is widely planted on the sides of roads and fields, is expected to be a way to solve the severe shortage of edible oil resources in China without competing with food and cash crops for land and forests. Camphor seeds kernel oil is rich in medium-carbon fatty acids—decanoic acid and lauric acid, which may be directly processed into high quality edible oil or made into structural lipids beneficial to human body through various synthetic pathways. It is recommended that the government should learn from Malaysia’s successful experience in developing palm oil and pay attention to the development of China’s camphor seeds resources, and set up a special research institute to carry out research on planting and safety, as well as the development and utilization of the main and by-products of camphor seeds processing, so as to promote the development of the camphor seeds industry.
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