大食物观下油料油脂产业链韧性 提升的现实挑战与路径
Resilience enhancement of the oilseeds and fats industry chain under all-encompassing approach to food: Realistic challenges and paths
中文关键词:  大食物观  油料油脂  产业链韧性
英文关键词:all-encompassing approach to food  oilseeds and fats  industry chain resilience
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yanfei1,LI Chenlong2 ,SUN Jiajia2 1.Institute of Food and Strategic Reserves, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210003, China
2.College of Management Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, Zhengzhou 450046, China 
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      In order to ensure the security of the oilseeds and fats supply chain and promote the healthy development of the oilseeds and fats industry, based on the perspective of production, trade, cross-border logistics and processing, the challenges to enhance the resilience of the oilseeds and fats industry chain under all-encompassing approach to food were analyzed, and the suggestions were proposed. Research has found that in terms of production, the resilience improvement of China′s oilseeds and fats industry chain faces significant fluctuations in the planting area of bulk plant oilseeds, slow increase in unit yield, lack of high-quality seeds and high prices for small variety plant oilseeds, and high raw material costs and uneven quality of animal oils. In terms of trade, China has a high dependence on the import of oilseeds and fats, and the source countries of imports are highly concentrated. In terms of logistics, there are certain vulnerabilities in the cross-border logistics supply chain of oilseeds and fats in China. In terms of processing, there are issues such as a high proportion of foreign investment, long-term overcapacity, and insufficient momentum for independent innovation in China′s oilseeds and fats processing industry. Policy suggestions are put forward such as developing a diversified local oilseeds resource supply system with high quality to consolidate the foundation of resisting domestic and international shocks, implementing import diversification strategy to ease the vulnerability of cross-border logistics supply chain, and playing the leading role of leading enterprises to enhance the ability of industry chain renewal.
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